Health and Wellbeing coaches
What is a Health and Wellbeing coach?
Health & Wellbeing Coaches (HWC) can support people with lifestyle advice to help with:
- Improving diet, increasing physical activity
- Reducing smoking and alcohol intake.
- Support to prevent and/or manage long term health conditions through lifestyle behaviour change.
- Helping individuals to take responsibility of their own health and individual health behaviours.
This will be done by:
- 12 week personal health plans. Health & Wellbeing Coaches (HWC) will develop bespoke personal health plans with continued support over the 12 week period. The first appointment is 1 hour, followed by half-hour reviews every fortnight.
- Goalsetting to facilitate behaviour change.
- Nutritional advice and education
- Lifestyle advice and education
Here’s Cathy, one of the Health and Wellbeing coached from the network, explaining more about the role