HPV Immunisation Service
The CLPCN has taken a crucial role in the HPV pilot scheme, collaborating closely with the commisioners and stakeholders to address the issue of low HPV vaccine uptake and the need to reduce cervical cancer rates. This partnership reflects a concerted effort to empower communities and enhance access.
The HPV vaccine reduces your chances of getting human papillomavirus (HPV) a common virus that’s spread through skin contact.
Most types of HPV are harmless, but some types are linked to various cancers, making vaccination a crucial step in prevention.
HPV vaccine – NHS (www.nhs.uk)
The HPV vaccine is recommended for children aged 12-13yrs. If the children have missed the vaccination but still at school, please contact the school immunisation service for a catch-up session. Boys are only eligible if born after 1.9.2006.
If aged between 18-25yrs and female who hasn’t received any HPV vaccines, please contact your GP practice to arrange.
The Women’s Health Hub offer HPV immunisation sessions in conjunction with your GP practice and opportunistic immunisation when attending a long-acting reversible contraception appointment.