About us
Where is CLPCN located?
Our main base is the CLPCN Hub, located at 81 London Road, Liverpool L3 8JA. This is the administrative centre, and is also a base for many of our services. This location, along with the locations of our 9 member practices, can be seen diplayed on the interactive map on the home page of our website.
What is a Primary Care Network?
A primary care network consists of groups of general practices working together with a range of local providers, including across primary care, community services, social care and the voluntary sector, to offer more personalised, coordinated health and social care to their local populations. Networks should be small enough to maintain the traditional strengths of general practice but at the same time large enough to provide resilience and support the development of integrated teams.
What are PCNs designed to do?
Primary care networks are designed to provide proactive, coordinated care to their local populations, in different ways to match different people’s needs, with a strong focus on prevention and personalised care. This means supporting patients to make informed decisions about their own health and care and connecting them to a wide range of statutory and voluntary services to ensure they can access the care they need first time. Networks should also have a greater focus on population health and addressing health inequalities in their local area, using data and technology to inform the delivery of population scale care models.
Which practices make up the Central Liverpool Primary Care Network?
There are nine practices in CLCPN, which are listed on our home page, with a map and links.
What are the aims of the Central Liverpool Primary Care Network?
Our shared care statement lays out our aims as follows:
“Central Liverpool Primary Care Network aims to positively influence the health and wellbeing of the population of central Liverpool and proactively address health inequalities.
We will do this by building collaborative partnerships with colleagues in the health and social care sector and will work to ensure the long-term sustainability of general practice and primary care which we believe is crucial to the wellbeing of our community.”
What are the priorities of the Central Liverpool Primary Care Network?
We have been working with our patients, staff and commissioners to understand what are the key local health challenges across our practices, and where we can make an impact. In response to this we have identified three priority areas, which are: Alcohol, Mental Health, and Supporting Children and Families
So what is the Central Liverpool Primary Care Network actually doing?
You can read all about the acitivity of the CLPCN here.
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